Western Lakes Sanitary Sewer District

Duluth, MN

Western Lakes Sanitary Sewer District (WLSSD), operates a wastewater treatment plant, an organic composting site, a hazardous waste collection site, and a solid waste transfer station in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Duluth, MN.

WLSSD discovered the radial blades of the sewage concentrator were scraping the concrete floor and causing problems. The purpose of the survey was to look for minor inconsistencies on the surface of the concave floor.

Project details include:

  • performed a high-accuracy surface scan within a 160-foot diameter in the sewage concentrator
  • used a 3D model and high-tech software to conclude the sewage concentrator floor was close to uniform with no abnormalities-further testing will be conducted to determine the cause of the radial blade scraping